
Entries will continue to be accepted until June 1. On-site registrations will be accepted.

Sport Info



Saturday, June 7, 2025 - 9:00 am


Gans Creek Recreation Area
3360 E. Gans Road
Columbia, MO


Deadline for entries will be June 1.  Late entries may be accepted after this date on a space available basis for a late fee.


Participants in Archery must check-in at the event site on Saturday morning. All participants must report to the sport commissioner at the event site at least 30 minutes prior to the start of competition.


Register Online:  Senior Games Online Registration - Archery


Register by Mail:  Please complete a Missouri State Senior Games Entry Form and mail it along with payment to:

Missouri State Senior Games
1400 Rock Quarry Rd, Entrance 5
Columbia, MO 65211




  1. Archers may only compete in one style.
  2. Archers must provide their own bows and target arrows.
  3. Should equipment failure occur, a thirty (30) minute repair time will be allowed with no disruption of the shooting line. A maximum of two ends may be made up at the discretion of the Commissioner.
  4. Field glasses or scopes are permitted for spotting arrow hits. Scopes may be placed on the shooting line provided they do not disrupt the shooting of the adjacent archer. Scopes shall be removed from the line between ends if not utilized by the other archer(s) shooting in that space.
  5. No broad heads will be permitted.
  6. Regulation FITA 122-centimeter (48-inch) five-color target faces will be used. Scoring values are: Gold (10-9), Red (8-7), Blue (6-5), Black (4-3), White (2-1), 10-ring scoring. At the discretion of the Director of Shooting, replacement centers may be used to repair a target face during competition.
  7. Dividing lines are part of the higher scoring. The arrow shaft must only touch the color or dividing line between scoring zones to score the higher value.
  8. Hits will not be marked on the target face. Witnessed bounce out and pass through arrows will be shot over at the end of the distance as make-up arrows. If the bounce out destroys an arrow in the target, then it is a "Robin Hood" and will score the value of the arrow it destroyed.
  9. Two archers at each target will keep the double set of scorecards. Scores shall be compared after each end. If the scorecards do not agree after arrows have been removed from the target, then the lower score shall be the official score. The winner(s) shall be the archer(s) scoring the highest number of points.
  10. Archers will not be required to wear white or blue attire, however, they will be expected to wear clothing appropriate for a national event.
  11. Athletes should be able to keep their arrows on target at 60 yards.
  12. Barebow Recurve Equipment: Any recurve bow or longbow may be used. Bow sights are not allowed. Archers may string-walk and/or face-walk in sighting.  One straight stabilizer, coupling device included, if used, which cannot exceed 12 inches at any time as measured from the back of the bow.  No levels or draw checks are allowed. Arrows must all be the same length and weight.
  13. Barebow Compound Equipment: Any compound bow may be used. Bow sights are not allowed. Archers may string-walk and/or face-walk in sighting. No levels are allowed.  Archers may use a stabilizer and may use a draw check that is either on the bow limbs or under the arrow in the bow window.  Arrows must all be the same length and weight.
  14. Compound Bow Equipment: The maximum peak draw weight allowed shall be 80 pounds. Maximum arrow speed shall be 300 feet per second with a variance of 3%. Lighted sights may be used.


Event Codes

Event Code Event Name
AR001Archery - Recurve (with sights)
AR002Archery - Barebow Recurve (no sights)
AR003Archery - Compound Fingers (with sights)
AR004Archery - Barebow Compound (no sights)
AR005Archery - Compound Release


ARCHERY - Recurve (with sights)
60-64 F 1 Janis Grellner, Linn, MO 807
75-79 M 1 Stan Boyd, Lake Quivira, KS 687
ARCHERY - Barebow Recurve (no sights)
50-54 F 1 Sabrina Cornman, Mountain View, MO 353
55-59 F 1 Linda Cornman, Mountain View, MO 451
18-49 M 1 Aden Koelling, New Bloomfield, MO 571
50-54 M 1 Galin Stoychev, Parkville, MO 570
55-59 M 1 Marc Cornman, Mountain View, MO 718
55-59 M 2 Matt Cornman, Mountain View, MO 705
70-74 M 1 Mark Hodges, Lawrence, KS 582
70-74 M 2 Jacky Yam, St Louis, MO 581
75-79 M 1 Stephen Amsden, Ballwin, MO 476
ARCHERY - Barebow Compound (no sights)
12U 1 Augustus Grellner, Ashland, MO 406
ARCHERY - Compound Release
12U F 1 Emmie Hoskins, Boonville, MO 191
55-59 F 1 Ellen Cameron-Rice, Greenfield, MO 832
12-14 M 1 Jett Piland, Kirksville, MO 839
12-14 M 2 Case Hoskins, Columbia, MO 650
18-49 M 1 Evan Miller, Columbia, MO 875
55-59 M 1 Austin Cameron, Polk, MO 868
55-59 M 2 Paul Duffy 781
60-64 M 1 Derek Miller, Columbia, MO 842
65-69 M 1 Steve Williams, Florissant, MO 784
65-69 M 2 Gene Grellner, Linn, MO 689
70-74 M 1 Bill Myers, High Ridge, MO 839
70-74 M 2 Stephen Lloyd, Kirksville, MO 768
75-79 M 1 Dave Schmitz, Jefferson City, MO 752